The Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church is a Public Association of the Faithful founded on June 24, 2007 in the Diocese of Spokane, Washington. Under the direction of Bishop William Skylstad, and by the prayers and sacrifices of Catholic laity, clergy, the Missionaries of Charity, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, our founding members came into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.
We recognize the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, and obedience as a gift of the most Holy Trinity, which we embrace by vow in loving response to our call to religious life. They lovingly compel us to live as Christ lived in all aspects of our lives: possessions, affections, and autonomy. “He was rich but became poor for our sakes, emptying Himself, and having nowhere to lay His head. He loved with an undivided heart, universally and to the end. He came to do the will of the Father who sent Him, and He did it steadily, learning obedience through suffering and becoming a cause of salvation for all who obey” (Evangelica Testificatio).
Christ's love has gathered us together by a common calling and for a common mission in the Church (cf Fraternal Life in Community). Our community originated as a gift of the Spirit before being a human reality. This gift of fraternal life is an expression of the Church, a sign of Trinitarian communion, and the place where we become sisters and channels for building Christian fraternity (FLC; Canon 602).